Sunday 27 October 2019

Another week of greatness

Yet another week of animation which had its ups and downs but I made it through. So this week's highlight was me sleeping on campus.

Since Wednesday, I had to sleep on campus because of 2 assignments which I received for animation principles. Well, I pretty much did not sleep because I had to work throughout the night from Wednesday until Saturday morning. Luckily some of my classmates stayed over so it was not really that difficult for me not to fall asleep.

My life drawing for this week was not so great because I was way too tired to function. Otherwise, it has been a very interesting week because I also got the chance to know more about my classmates.

Sunday 20 October 2019

One step closer

This week has been hectic. I have quite a few assignments due for next week but I'll survive. Monday was not as exciting, I just had my history of art and my animation design lessons. Usually I have my  life drawing on Thursday, which is quite awesome because you never know what to expect.

It was very interesting because life drawing has been quite challenging for me from day one and as the weeks pass I have seen some improvements.

 During the process of the life drawing lesson, we draw the entire figure as we see it but what was different about this week's lesson was that we had to draw a specific body part of the figure. This was even more challenging for me because we had to draw the feet and since I started with animation, I've never drawn feet throughout my lessons in life drawing.

We had to add so much detail to the drawing but unfortunately I couldn't add all the details I wanted to incorporate. On a lighter note, even though I did not finish the drawing I am quite happy with the product that I had.

So basically this week, I have taken another step in overcoming one of the challenges which I face every Thursday which is quite awesome and that (I must say) was definitely the highlight of my week.

Saturday 12 October 2019

'I have a dream'

I recieved an assignment from my Creativity and Problem solving lecturer. The assignment required me to write down my dreams which I had to present in class and this is what I came up with:

I have a dream today
I have a dream that one day I will become an animator.
Not just an animator, but an animator that will be understood by both young and old.
An animator who's work will be easily recognisable and known by the world.

I have a dream that one day I will become a professional Acrobat. An Acrobat who will portray her art an creativity through dancing and show my creativity and talent to the world.

I have a dream that one day I will be one of the most influential and powerful women in the world I want to motivate and influence young woman not to be afraid to follow their dreams and show or lead by example to the phrase "anything is possible, if you put your mind to it".

I have a dream that one day I will have my own animation studio. A studio where all creatives from around the world come together and share their ideas which will be brought to life through animation.

I have a dream that one day I will be one of the richest women in the world. I will not only give back money to the community but I will be nurturing and grooming the community to reach their goals and dreams.

And when that day comes I will share all my creatives with those who are interested. Not only that but I will share my skills with those who are interested.

When that day comes, I will give my all in order for me to keep my dreams alive.
And when that day comes, I will be at peace knowing that I played a role in the universe.

When I started the assignment, I thought it was going to be a bit of a challenge but then I realised that I am in the right path and I am one step closer to achieving my dreams because I didn't have to think long and hard as to what I want to achieve. That also is a verification that I am ready and matured enough to face the challenges I will come across through my journey of achieving these dreams.

One thing I can say it that I am grateful that I was given the opportunity to actually voice out my dreams because that has given me the motivation to start working on them.

Friday 11 October 2019

'Day one of animation'

September 2nd 2019

Day one of 2D Animation.

On the first day which was the second of September I had Creativity and Problem solving for the first class. It was quite interesting and exciting at the same time. I got my first assignment which was to write a speech which I was going to present the following week, it was a bit challenging at first but then I managed to tackle the task.

The second class of the day was Animation Design. I received another assignment where I was required to animate a bouncing ball. I was super excited when I got this assignment, to a point where I had finished the assignment within 3days.

Besides the first day of the first semester, during the week I had life drawing. When I started with the class I felt so defeated because I felt as though I couldn't draw anymore, but now that one of my lectures had a talk with me I felt much more confident about life drawing and I've improved quite a lot.

Week one was a bit hectic but I managed to get through it without any problems.